3M and Nobel Media Partner to Inspire Lifelong Search for Knowledge at ‘The Future of Learning’ Nobel Prize Dialogue Event

What challenges will face students and teachers in the coming years? What is the role of the university in education? What role can technology and gaming play when it comes to learning?

On Jan. 19, Nobel Laureates met in Santiago, Chile, to discuss the Future of Learning during the most recent Nobel Prize Dialogue event.

The day-long conference deepened the dialogue between thought leaders from science and society as they explored the future of learning with Physics Laureates Serge Haroche, Michael Kosterlitz and Brian P. Schmidt and Medicine Laurate Bruce Beutler.


The high-level conference welcomed students and the public as they discussed education-related topics like technology, access to learning, the role of teachers and how to prepare students for accelerating change in the future.

Nobel Media arranged the event in cooperation with Future Challenges, Science, Technology and Innovation Commission with the support of 3M and other Nobel International Partners. 

“This partnership is really exciting for 3M employees and especially for our science community, as we jointly focus on educating, inspiring and engaging a broader audience on big issues that impact people’s lives around the world,” said Kourosh Motalebi, 3M International Operations, leading the 3M–Nobel Strategic Relationship.

As one of a select group of Nobel International Partners, 3M has sponsored Nobel Media since 2016 in holding international, Nobel Prize inspirational events that have brought Nobel Laureates to Dubai, India, Tokyo, Korea and Chile on global topics including the future of intelligence, food sustainability and the future of aging.

3M and Nobel Media will continue to collaborate over several years to bring light to important global issues like the future of scientific education and sustainability.

Additional events planned for 2019 will be held in Japan, Spain and a final location TBD.









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